"SevenHugs" should be more open about what "HugOne" does.

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Re: "SevenHugs" should be more open about what "HugOne" does.

by FAQbala » Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:49 am

We are so easily informed nowadays.
Being a tech company selling a commercial product, SevenHugs should be open about the technology behind.
Whoever is looking into this being your potential buyers are not ignorant. They will not be willing to pay for "just a concept" at this point.
Inform people, let them decide. Some still will give the tech a try even if it may not work in the end.

"SevenHugs" should be more open about what "HugOne" does.

by CataCluj » Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:43 pm

If you look at their website "https://sevenhugs.com/en/hugone/" you might feel like the "HugOne" is the best thing that happened to sleep since sliced bread.
If you're a technical person, you might wonder how they do what they claim, as some of the claims are no small feat, and some claims feel ... fuzzy so one finds it hard to find out exactly what is meant.
So I tried to contact them to get more information; I wrote an email to "contact@sevenhugs.com":
"Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for a great product :-)

I am curious how your "minihugs" sensors sensors can monitor sleep quality?

It seems they can only detect (accelerometer?) movement (apart from temperature and humidity).

I know phone apps can (or say they can) do the same thing using their accelerometers but I'm unsure if that's enough to really detect the many types of sleep and "quality".

Also, the way you write things makes some people
like http://smarthome.reviewed.com/features/ ... ith-hugone
think the minihugs sensors have VOC sensors but I think only the base does. Am I wrong? Maybe you should try to avoid such confusion; unless it's on purpose.
I don't think a sensor in the living-room would detect acetone in an en-suite bathroom, eh?

Thanks and best,

I think they would have replied if they had favorable answers. I think they should have answered anyway, but they didn't.
They are very good at nice videos, mambo-jumbo and make-believe, but it seems there is not much substance to their claims.
In my mind they FAIL!
